Best Screenplay Award

I am so honoured that Perspective has picked up another screenplay award, “Best Short Screenplay” at the 17th Waterford International Film Festival. My thanks to the festival director Stephen Byrne and to the Jury. The Awards presentation took place at the House of Waterford Crystal Factory, where I received this stunning trophy and generous prizes.

Perspective was previously the winner of the Best Short Screenplay Award 2023 at the Catalyst International Film Festival, sponsored by the Writers Guild of Ireland and adjudicated by Frank Berry and Ursula Rani Sarma. The script was additionally a finalist for the Kerry International Film Festival Screenplay Award, and the Pune Short Film Festival Screenplay Award, as well as a winner in the screenplay category of the Hammond House International Literary Festival.

Perspective is a short film book-ended with two Halloween nights, one year apart. A young girl, Hazel, loses her eye in a firework attack. Instead of giving in to despair, her natural optimism and resilience allows her to reimagine herself, in the process inspiring the adults around her.

The project is currently in development with Danú Media (producers Nadine Flynn and Louise Richardson attached) to bring the project to screen.

Greenlight Table Read

I had the pleasure of taking part in a table read of six exciting new TV pilot scripts from the Greenlight Screenwriting Lab, run by the National Talent Academy for Film & TV, Danú Media and Greasán na Meán Skillnet.

The six scripts featured were 12 Pins by Ger Gleeson, Fake It by Diandra Xavier, A Clannish Breed by Matthew McDevitt, Hotter Than My Wife by Lee-Loi Chieng, Shook Club by Joy Buckle and Careful Now by Eoin McAndrew. Greenlight script development is overseen by Philip Shelley and Nadine Flynn and the other actors included Sorcha Furlong and Nadia Forde.


Amy-Joyce was the winner of the Best Short Screenplay Award 2023 for her screenplay Perspective at the Catalyst International Film Festival. This prestigious award is sponsored by the Writers Guild of Ireland, of which Amy-Joyce now becomes a member. Catalyst International Film Festival, now in its 5th year, is a festival championing diverse voices and it was founded by the president of Women in Film & Television International, Dr. Susan Liddy.

The award was adjudicated by writer/director Frank Berry (Aisha, Michael Inside) and writer Ursula Rani Sarma (Smother). Amy-Joyce additionally enjoyed screenwriting and directing workshops at the festival with renowned director Aisling Walsh (Maudie).

Perspective was recently a finalist for the Kerry International Film Festival Screenplay Award, and the Pune Short Film Festival Screenplay Award, as well as a previous winner in the screenplay category of the Hammond House International Literary Festival. The script is a current screenplay finalist for the upcoming Waterford International Film Festival.

Perspective is a short film book-ended with two Halloween nights, one year apart. A young girl, Hazel, loses her eye in a firework attack. Instead of giving in to despair, her natural optimism and resilience allows her to reimagine herself, in the process inspiring the adults around her.

The project is currently in development with Danú Media (producers Nadine Flynn and Louise Richardson attached) to bring the project to screen.